
This plugin allow you to pass all the options supported by the original module using the options property.

All the examples shown assumes that you have the following properties in your component:

  background-color: whitesmoke;
  width: 100%;

    background-color: #26a69a;
    background-color: #81c784;

In order to populate the justified layout boxes and show them.


The width that boxes will be contained within irrelevant of padding.

<vue-justified-layout :items="items" :options="{
  containerWidth: 250
}" />


Provide a single integer to apply padding to all sides or provide an object to apply individual values to each side.

<vue-justified-layout :items="items" :options="{
  containerPadding: 50
}" />

<vue-justified-layout :items="items" :options="{
  containerPadding: {
    top: 50,
    right: 5,
    bottom: 50,
    left: 5
}" />


Provide a single integer to apply spacing both horizontally and vertically or provide an object to apply individual values to each axis.

<vue-justified-layout :items="items" :options="{
  boxSpacing: 25
}" />

<vue-justified-layout :items="items" :options="{
  boxSpacing: {
    horizontal: 25,
    vertical: 10
}" />


It's called a target because row height is the lever we use in order to fit everything in nicely. The algorithm will get as close to the target row height as it can.

<vue-justified-layout :items="items" :options="{
  targetRowHeight: 150
}" />


Provide an aspect ratio here to return everything in that aspect ratio. Makes the values in your input array irrelevant. The length of the array remains relevant.

<vue-justified-layout :items="items" :options="{
  forceAspectRatio: 1
}" />


By default we'll return items at the end of a justified layout even if they don't make a full row. If false they'll be omitted from the output.

<vue-justified-layout :items="items" :options="{
  showWidows: false
}" />


If you'd like to insert a full width box every n rows you can specify it with this parameter. The box on that row will ignore the targetRowHeight, make itself as wide as containerWidth - containerPadding and be as tall as its aspect ratio defines. It'll only happen if that item has an aspect ratio >= 1.

<vue-justified-layout :items="items" :options="{
  fullWidthBreakoutRowCadence: 2
}" />